5 Reasons Why CrossFit Is Perfect For Entrepreneurs

I recently came across this article, which relates two of my passions: Crossfit and entrepreneurship. As it turns out, they have more in common than one may think. Here are 5 ways that CrossFit can benefit you in the business world.

1) It’s Quick

As an entrepreneur, or business professional, you probably have a hard time finding time for yourself throughout the day. When you have a business to attend too, your time is always going to be limited. That means that you probably have a difficult time finding time in your day to take care of yourself. But with Crossfit, classes are based on high intensity training for short periods of time. Instead of doing a long workout at a moderate activity level, with Crossfit you can pack an exhausting workout into as little as 20 minutes.

2) No Planning Involved

Entrepreneurs constantly need to make decisions and plan their next move. This lifestyle can become overwhelming and exhausting. With Crossfit, you will have the opportunity to show up and do the workout of the day. There is no need to plan out your workout, it’s already predetermined. This gives you one less thing to think about during the day, and gives you the chance to just focus on the task at hand. Crossfit is the perfect way to give yourself a mental break from work.

3) You’ll Meet Different Types Of People

When your business is your life, chances are that you are spending most of your time with your business connections. As a business owner, it can be hard to meet people unrelated to the passion that consumes your life. Crossfit will give you the opportunity to meet a vast array of different people unrelated to your company. These people will motivate your in different ways that would otherwise not be possible. This is not to say that making friends with other entrepreneurs or business connections is bad, but it is always a good idea to expand your horizons and open yourself up to new experiences.

4) Failure Is Okay

All too often, people only want to try things that they are pretty confident that they can do. In the business world, this can prevent you from pursuing an idea that could truly change the world, and your life. Crossfit will encourage you to do things that scare you. The workouts will force you to test yourself, and you will truly see yourself grow in the process. This type of development will help motivate you when it’s time to leave the gym and get back to the business world.


For tips on how to get started in Crossfit, please check out my blog!